It's been awhile and a lot of stuff has gone down since I last posted but I didn't ever want to update because a lot of it was kind of crappy and all I would have done was whine. So, I waited and now I am going to pick up where I left off - in a sea of happiness... sort of.
I got to go to that game because my boss is a hero among men. Arrowhead was unbelievable. I was stalwart and strong through the rain, refusing to take shelter while the ball was in play. The 3 adult men with me, however, were a little less tolerant of getting wet and took shelter through much of the 3rd quarter. I'm still thrilled whenever I think about that victory. Wowzers. Yes, so excited that I even said that word.
Bearcats lost their first game but that's become such a nonevent that I got over it pretty quickly. Besides, my apartment was threatening to drown me at the time and I had to find a life jacket and learn to doggy paddle so there was no time for wallowing. They play again tomorrow and will likely, hopefully, oh please God let it be so, beat UNO. I'm watching that one with the boy and am a little worried that he will run screaming for the hills when he sees "football marissa." She's terrifying.
School is tough this semester, and that is what this post is really about. I'm in Biological Bases of Human Behavior. It's very intimidating. I'm not one for science. In fact, the "head, shoulders, knees, and toes" song is about as far as my "knowledge" about biology goes. However, I've always been a good student and a quick learner, so I thought, "I'll just read extra closely and pay great attention in class. An 'A' is certain!" HA-HA-HA-HA. I'm so funny. Let me show you how "reading extra closely" is going for me:
the book: "Main Points"
me: ok. I can do this. It's just an overview of what the chapter is about to cover. Perfect.
the book: 1. "The nervous system is composed of two kinds of cells. Only the neurons transmit impulses."
me: Alright. I get that. I can handle this. I'm GREAT at biology! Look at me go!
the book: "2. The larger neurons have branches known as axons and dendrites, which can change their branching pattern as a function of experiences, age...etc"
me: I'm sorry?
the book: "3. Many molecules in the bloodstream can enter other body organs but not the brain."
me: like a VIP club?
the book: "The action potential an all-or-none change in the electrical potential across the membrane of a neuron, is caused by the sudden flow of sodium ions into the neuron and is followed by a flow of potassium ions out of the neuron."
me: oh god.
the book: "Local neurons are small and do not have axons or action potentials. Instead they convey information to nearby neurons by graded potentials."
the book: "your graded potential is F. you might as well stop reading now."
me: WTF?
the book: "my purpose in this life is to drive you just close enough to the brink of insanity that that you fall off on your own and it can look like an accident."
me: oh shit.
So those last couple of statements might be me reading between the lines but this is just the introductory page to the second chapter and I'm already tired.