Friday, October 9, 2009

I am odds and ends but that's me.

I wonder if some people know that instead of responding to undesirable comments on their facebook and creating a scene, there’s a little x in the right hand corner that actually allows them to just delete the comment and retain their dignity.

I was really excited about a cool late summer and early beginning to fall, but why the face am I thinking I might have to turn my heat on in October?

I’m going to start measuring my life quality by the number of times I can wear leg warmers in a socially acceptable fashion. October is looking good.

It seems to me that whenever I read about a debate of the origins of disposition/etc in my psychology classes (nature vs. nurture? Person vs. situation?) it always ends up that they say “it’s a mix of both!” It’s not that I don’t agree, I just wonder why we spent so much time arguing about it then.

I know it’s being said all over the place, but really, HOW ADORABLE are Jim and Pam? I’d like a Jim, please. Ready for this? Dream Guy: 3 parts Jim Halpert, 3 parts Demetri Martin, 2 parts Jesse Lacey and 1.5 parts Mr. Darcy.

It’s midterm and Fall Break time at Avila. This means that starting next week I’m pretty sure that the entirety of my life will consist of working, homework, class, homework, homework, and homework. I’ll see if I can squeeze some time in to eat and sleep and use the restroom, but nothing is a guarantee.

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