Saturday, May 2, 2009

This is a lesson in procrastination.

I consistently amaze myself with my ability to find ways to not do my homework. Take right now for instance. At this very moment I am actively NOT writing a 15 page research paper for my statistics class. Nor am I writing a 5 page paper on Anxiety and Faith Based Counseling for the weekend intensive I had a couple weeks ago. Both of these are due Monday.

No, I am writing this, a blog, instead. Look at the good I do.

Other things I have done to avoid writing these papers today:
1. visited my family's garage sale
2. deposited a check at the bank
3. delivered drinks to aforementioned family
4. took a nap
5. randomly chose to go to the verizon store in hopes of getting a blackberry (found out that I don't get an upgrade until July - rats)
6. checked facebook and twitter on multiple occasions (and all of my other regular sites including craigslist and FML.)
7. discovered various new blogs that I will now follow, thus allotting even more of my free time to not doing my homework or cleaning my house or anything else productive for that matter.

So welcome to my new blog. I'm going to probably really enjoy thinking of song lyrics to use as my entry titles. It'll be my "thing." Everybody needs a thing. That's what she said. Stop it. This is ridiculous. Moving on.

Look how helpful I am, providing a lyrics search engine right here on my blog for those of you less lyrically inclined who might not get the reference in my title right away! I've also included hangman, in case you get bored. What a timeless classic of a word game!

1 comment:

  1. Funny that I'm reading your post about procrastination while I'm procrastinating!
