Tuesday, July 21, 2009

They can't love what I don't show...

Here are a few things that I am not embarrassed to admit (though I probably should be).

1. Billy Ray Cyrus was my first celebrity crush, and like one's first love, will not be forgotten. I still love him (whether it means laughing at him on an occasional episode of "Hannah Montana" or smiling every time I hear "Achey Breaky Heart." Furthermore, I have at least 3 full Billy Ray albums on my iPod... and not ironically.)

2. I'm usually asleep by 9:30pm on weeknights. 11pm is late. Anything after that and I will be a wreck the next day. If I don't get a full night's sleep I don't function. Even near the end of my college days I was asleep by 11:30pm on weeknights.

3. One of my favorite Pandora Stations is the one I have that is heavy on Pat Benatar, The Bangles, and Tiffany.

4. I will wear red EVERY FRIDAY before a Chiefs game once football season starts.

5. I still have and cuddle my childhood teddy bear. His name is Francis and he is ragged and tattered.

6. It's not unlike me to read a full book (300 pages+) in its entirety on a Friday night. Also, yes, I am 24 years old with a public library card. Proud of it.

7. I LIKE school. A lot.

8. I have mowed my own lawn exactly one time in 4 years of living on my own. That has been the one time I have ever operated a lawn mower at all. It took me 30 minutes to get it started.

9. I wear jeans until they get a visible stain on them before washing them.

10. I kind of want to read the dictionary.

11. On Saturday I went out to a bar and ordered "a virgin long island iced tea" just for kicks.

12. I eat something small every two hours so I never feel hungry. Hungry puts me in a bad place. You won't like me when I'm hungry.

13. My signature dance move - "the flail."

14. Freerice.com? A favorite.

15. Newest goal? To take practical measures to make my life more like a broadway musical.

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