Friday, August 28, 2009

Even at 25, you gotta start sometime

I’m working on choosing my anthem for my 25th year of life. I guess it’s the 26th year because I’ll have already lived 25 years. Either way, it’s my anthem for the age of 25. You get it. Everyone needs an anthem, right? It’ll be kind of like a theme song for the year. It would be nice if it made some sort of reference to the year 25, but it doesn’t necessarily have to.

Currently, I’m really thinking of Praise Chorus, an oldie but a goody from Jimmy Eat World. Lyrics here. Listen here. It mentions being 25 and it’s all about making things happen for yourself. That’s one option. One really, really good option.

I love “Somebody to Love” by Queen as a choice but that seems a little one track minded. Another option from Queen is “Don’t Stop Me Now” which is up there in my top 5 favorite Queen songs (Bohemian Rhapsody, Don’t Stop Me Now, Somebody to Love, Fat Bottomed Girls, We Will Rock You) I’m a little concerned about choosing any Queen song as my anthem because it just seems so flamboyant. (Flamboyantly genius anyway).

Should I have a certain goal in mind before I choose a song? Like something I will ultimately strive for as a 25 year old and therefore need a song to back me up? It’s a thought to consider. I tend to think AFTER things a lot more than I think BEFORE them. So, it’s likely that a song will strike me (like Praise Chorus kind of did) and then I will extrapolate from that to apply to my life.

I think you know what I’m leaning toward at this point, but if someone convinces me otherwise before October 1st, that’s fine too. Some life themes that are important to integrate into the song are: positivity, enthusiasm, self sufficiency, love (why not?), friendship, and fun.


  1. Wow. "Don't Stop Me Now" was originally on my "Up" mix, but I took it off because I thought two Queen songs was overdoing it. Apparently not.

  2. Well, I count "Under Pressure" as a Queen song even though you call it David Bowie "featuring" Queen. I'd say it's the other way around. I love some Freddie Mercury.
