If the good girl can't even get the guy in a happy go lucky ideal fictional world, what hope is there for those of us nice girls battling against the grain in the real world?
You know what, I've changed my mind. Maybe Betty won after all. Archie doesn't deserve Betty, having treated her so terribly for what is it now? 67 years? Well, I started reading these things when I was like 8 (I promise I haven't still been reading them all these years... but it's been in the news) and he's treated her as a second choice option when Veronica is not available that whole time. He'll get what he chose, and that's someone that treats him the same way he treated someone who so dearly cared about him. In fact, guys like Archie (likable as he may seem) probably just deserve to end up alone. By disregarding someone who has regularly and consistently demonstrated genuine care for him despite how poorly he treats her, he demonstrates that he has no moral fiber or character, and is only in it for his own gain. Selfish. Sure he and Betty have a lot in common, they have a good time together, and when it suits him he treats her very well. That's not enough though. He's got to learn to pause for a moment and think about someone else's needs other than his own. When that happens, it will be the real news story.
Now that I've gone through this thought process, I hope that it doesn't turn around and land him with Betty. She should find someone who appreciates her and isn't such a douchebag. Maybe Betty and I could join the same dating site. That was a joke. Really. Never take me too seriously.
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