Wednesday, August 19, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things

Raindrops on roses and… oh wait. I’m not Julie Andrews (though we do share a birthday – October 1st!)

Really though, here are five things that, of late, I like a whole lot.

1. This article in The Onion. Being no stranger to panic attacks, I feel that it is a hilarious and accurate depiction. Read it. You won’t be sorry.

2. This selection from my friend Erica’s blog. "It is unfortunate that people like you and I are so thoughtful and clever that we dream up cool things to be done for us, because really no boy is probably ever going to be able to live up to these high expectations. And not because they're bad guys, but because they ARE guys." It’s a life truth. Thanks Erica.

3. Soup – most kinds. I don’t care if it’s August. My office is freezing every day and it’s about the only thing bar coffee that can help.

4. Mix CDs – making and receiving them. I just had a fun mix cd exchange with some facebook friends and had the greatest time picking out music to share. I expect the fruits of my project in my mailbox anytime.

5. Poetry… or rather, the idea of poetry. I love song lyrics so much I’ve been really interested in the idea of familiarizing myself with more poets. In fact, being the “avid” reader that I am, I feel a little ashamed that I haven’t pursued this yet. I figure it will be best to start with some classics like Robert Frost and Walt Whitman, but if you have any of your own favorites you’d like to share I’m open to suggestions. In the meantime, I'm in love with this short poem "A Question" by Robert Frost. "A voice said, Look me in the stars/And tell me truly, men of earth,/If all the soul-and-body scars/Were not too much to pay for birth"

Well, that's all.

1 comment:

  1. Marissa! So I don't get on my blog very much, and somehow the few times I have lately, I completely missed the amaziness that was your comment. I freaking love that you quoted me. And I even got this sense of weird excitement that you said, "my friend Erica" lol instead of "my friend's friend Erica"... hahahaha. I've been looking around your blog, and I absolutely love the way you think. You're so intelligent and clever, and just someone I think I need to hang out with more frequently. I wish you didn't live so far away. See you in 1984!!!! :D I can't wait!
