Nobody makes me bleed my own blood.
Ok, that's not entirely true. Yesterday, I gave blood. I got a cool bandage with purple hearts and a great sticker so that everyone could see what a superhero I am. Then I had some pretzels and apple juice. Images below. Snacks not pictured.

A lot of people try to convince you to give blood by saying that it's no big deal to do - that it's always a pleasant experience with juice and cookies abundantly flowing. I've given blood a few times and usually without incident. However, I'm not going to go on a tangent about how wonderful and pleasant the experience can be. I don't think that's the point. My experience yesterday was actually kind of sucky.
Let me explain. I've got no problem with needles and have a pretty high tolerance for pain... so that wasn't the issue. No, the issue was in MY CRAZY NEUROTIC BRAIN. I'm no stranger to irrational anxiety and panic attacks.What happened, is halfway through the process, it occurred to me that I was, in essence, trapped. I had a needle in my arm attached to a bag of blood. I wasn't really going anywhere. "What if I feel like I'm going to get sick? What if I freak out? What if there's a fire?"
Yes. Total freak show. I know. Nice to meet you. The main fear was that I was going to have a panic attack and wouldn't be able to access an exit or my Xanax (which I use SPARINGLY when absolutely necessary and self calming techniques aren't cutting it.) So, the anxiety was about anxiety. It was a "meta-panic" as it were. Because of the anxiety and the blood loss, I began feeling flushed and a little dizzy. I was probably near fainting. The nurse lady laid me down and put cold compresses on me and afterwards fussed over me while I munched. Then, the rest of the day I was spent. Totally beat. Drained of blood and energy from the combination of giving and anxiety. Overall, I wouldn't necessarily call it a "positive" experience. Though I was mostly just embarrassed at my weak showing afterward.
I am going to do it again in 8 weeks. Did you know you can give blood 6 times a year? I've decided to start giving regularly - mostly due to this "negative" experience.
What? But Marissa... weren't you just saying how miserable it was?
1. Hardly misery. Discomfort, worry, and exhaustion are totally manageable if not enjoyable feelings.
2. I am a healthy individual. (BP 98/68 with a resting heart rate of 64 bpm... the nurse was very impressed) Today, I woke up feeling back to myself and ready for another day. There are TONS of people who don't have that luxury. Who are living every day in pain, discomfort, and drug induced stupors as a means to SURVIVE because their bodies are diseased. Who need blood regularly as a way to continue on in the hopes that one day they can be back to normal.
3.With centers all over the country claiming a blood shortage, now is not the time for me to be worried about having a 1/2 day of discomfort.
So overall... yeah, sometimes it kind of sucks. Big deal. For one, most people are not as crazy as me and are more worried about the needle and blood. For two, I just like to think that if I am ever (God forbid) in a circumstance that requires I receive blood (whether disease or accident caused) that there will be blood for me there. And, because I have that desire, it makes sense to me to provide it for others, as long as I am physically able, despite any discomfort it adds to my day.
Check out your local Red Cross or Community Blood Center. Make an appointment to give blood. It's a fairly easy way to make a difference and a great way to lose a quick pound.